This is an eleven week project that I began last week. For Week 1, I began the initial design layout of my new site and did some research on other sites to see what was possible in the world of xHTML and CSS. This is my projected time-line for the following weeks:
Week 2: Create tutorial page and find the answer to the pull-out tabs needed for my site. Create ghost structure for site. Choose colors for design.
Week 3: Begin adding content to site to make separate pages. Test to see all is well and working; links are functional, content viewable.
Week 4: Fine-tune design to meet initial design. Evaluate and revise. Post revisions.
Week 5: Impliment revisions, incorporate any new tools learned in the process and experiment with new ideas.
Week 6: Add portfolio content - Find images. Create thumbnails and optimize. Create large images for viewing and optimize. Use Lightbox to organize images for easy viewing.
Week 7: Continue adding Portfolio content from Week 6 and evaluate to ensure usability.
Week 8: Re evaluate design and functionality. Focus on how to make the site stand out from the crowd. Print pages, make notes, post and work on revisions.
Week 9: Add the finishing touches. Test, revise. Test revise.
Week 10: Make sure all is working and beautiful. If it is not, now is the time to fix it!
Week 11: The Project Is DONE.